New Wine
Large scale event and network management
New Wine’s primary focus is enabling church leaders to communicate effectively the good news of God’s promises in this generation. The New Wine network is designed to nurture these relationships, connecting church leaders to equip, inspire and encourage each other to serve their churches and communities. New Wine organise large summer festivals held over a number of weeks that attract over 30,000 network members.
For New Wine we built a fully native Drupal CRM event booking system with CMS and e-commerce. We designed a “Customer Self Service CRM”, allowing individuals, group leaders and organisations to edit their own data, reducing admin overhead
Custom CRM feature: “Village Allocation”
We developed the 'Village Allocations' tool, which organises where people stay based on where people are based geographically, whilst also taking into account special needs or the knowledge that certain delegates like being near others. To organise where the 30,000+ network members stay during New Wine's events, New Wine required a tool to sort out where people camp.
New Wine required a tool to sort out where people camp so they are likely to be near people they live near geographically whilst also taking into account special needs or the knowledge that certain delegates like being near others. Based on this information, the Village Allocation tool allocates people to villages automatically, with granular drag and drop manual allocation also possible.
New Wine's previous Village Allocation tool was so hard to use the process took almost 3 months to allocate everyone in to their villages, but our tool enabled this process to take a matter of weeks. We got a great kick out of showing the admin users the tool and how they could use drag and drop, turning what was once a laborious and monotonous task into a breeze.